Commissions are available any size as well as in any palette.  Please email Lela directly to discuss in more detail.  

I am happy to collaborate with people as much as they feel to be involved.  It is useful to reference my past work as a starting point and for inspiration to help you work out what you would like.  I can help guide you through this process.

I especially love creating magical paintings for children.  I owe my vast imagination to my parents for surrounding me with a rich world of relics and fine art inside our home that was situated in the epic natural surroundings of the blue ridge mountains in Virginia.  My father, who is my biggest fan and my main inspiration, always encouraged me to "surround myself with beauty".  I have indeed made this my mantra, and it continues to help me create the amazing life that I have as well as the art that you see.  Certain images we come across in our lives can impact us in big ways, whether consciously or subconsciously. I believe they have the ability to inspire entirely different facets of our beings to manifest, this is why I paint and why I paint commissions just for you. 

I Will Watch Over You
Gouache and glitter on paper.
22" x 30"

This piece was made for Daisy, who is 9 years old and lives in NYC.  At this age, Daisy is a little scared of the great outdoors.  Therefore I felt inspired to paint her a lovable,  but wild wild wolf to help keep her connected to nature.

There are three members in this family, hence the three daisies.  I think of the wolf as watching over Daisy in the big city, like her guardian.  He will protect her along the way.

I Will Watch Over You
Gouache and glitter on handmade paper.
36" x 52"

This lion was made for Violet's first birthday.  Violet lives in Chicago and was born in August, making her a Leo.  Therefore her mom and I decided it would be amazing to make her a huge lion with a crown of Violets to watch over her forever more.


Falling Into Love
Gouache, glitter, and gold ink on paper.
36" x 52"

This piece was made for a Moroccan style home in Palm Beach, FL.  The house was quite busy with existing patterns in the architecture, tiles, and fabrics. Therefore I wanted to create a more contemplative, Japanese inspired piece to allow the viewer to dream. The owner loves hummingbirds and the palette matches the silk fabrics in the bedroom perfectly with the ocean view just beyond...